3D Artist
Arthro_Bandage (00352).png

Incision Management Dressing

Incision Management dressing application

This is a proof of concept, 3D Animation of a negative pressure dressing application to be used for a virtual reality trainer. Within the trainer, students would learn through an interactive stepped process how to select and apply various types of dressings to different wounds within a virtual operating room environment. Everything in the video has been modeled and animated to work within the Unity game engine. My responsibilities in the project where to model, unwrap, texture, animate and light the scene in Unity. The O.R. environment was purposely kept minimal to keep the user focused on applying the dressing to the wound.

Patient in operating room Unity screenshot

Patient in operating room Unity screenshot

Patient in operating room Unity screenshot

Patient in operating room Unity screenshot.

Patient in operating room Unity screenshot

Wireframe Cloth Simulation

Wireframe Operating Room

Custom Lightmap Unity